Tag: Magento

  • Magento Installation Guide in 6 Step

    Magento Installation Guide in 6 Step

    Hello Magento buddies,

    Magento is an ecommerce platform built on open source technology which provides online merchants with a flexible shopping cart system, as well as control over the look, content and functionality of their online store.
    And also it is a high-performant, scalable solution with powerful out of the box functionality and a large community built around it that continues to add new features.

    Here’s a step-by-step procedure that will hopefully save you a headache. Please note that I run XAMPP, so this tutorial is written for XAMPP only and is on Windows.

    DON’T MISS THE UPDATE Magento 2 Installation.

    To install Magento, you should follow these instruction:

    1. Webserver setup and PHP configuration.
    2. Magento Installation on localhost with XAMPP.

    Webserver setup and PHP configuration in Magento installation

    Step 1: Set up webserver

         1. May be you have the latest version installed XAMPP. or if you can download from Here.

         2. After downloading XAMPP, please click on the file to install it on your computer.


    3. Select Components:

    Plase select the same as in the image.


         4. Choose Install Location: XAMPP default location is C:\xampp. If you need to change the destination, click on the Browse botton to change your destination for XAMPP program and then click on Next to go to the next step.



         5.  Start installing XAMPP.


         6. Complete the XAMPP setup.

    You will see the setup asks: “Do you want to start the Control Panel now?” Click on the Finish button to end this setup and XAMPP prompt to use.


    Step 2: Config PHP


    In the XAMPP Control Panel, you can see the row Apache, please click on the Config button and click PHP(php.ini), then remove comment “;” in some rows:


    After that, please click on the Start button on 2 rows Apache and MySQL to start them:


    Step 3: Config host file

    Open the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. Add the following code to the last row of the file:   www.localhost.com

    This is the first part of Magento Installation, now take heed of next part of this guide.

    Magento Installation on localhost with XAMPP

    Step 1: Download magento and sample data

    Using a browser, download the latest full released archive file from Here.

    The archive file is available in .zip, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2 formats for downloading (a zipped archive contains exactly the same files and is provided in different formats just for your convenience).

    On your computer, extract Magento from the downloaded archive. Magento has a folder named magento containing all of the Magento files which will be created, for example, data has a file called “magento_sample_data_for_1.6.1.0.sql” and a folder called “media“.

    Step 2: Import the Magento sample data into an empty store database

    Create a new empty database for Magento.

    Using a browser, enter the url: to create a new empty database by using phpMyAdmin:


    Create an empty database named “magento”:


    Import the sample data sql file (magento_sample_data_for_1.6.1.0.sql) into your empty Magento database:

    Use the import function of your database management tool to import the data in the .sql file into your empty database.


    Step 3: Installing Magento

    Finally, we can start installing Magento on our local machine. First, restart your Apache and MySQL servers. If you didn’t stop them before and have been editing them while they were on, just stop them now and restart them. Copy magento folder after extracting Magento from the downloaded archive to xampp\htdocs:


    Using a browser, enter the url: to start installing magento:


    Tick the checkbox “I agree to the above terms and conditions” and click on the Continue button to continue. Then change the Time Zone, Locale and Currency and continue:


    Next, please find the database: Host, Database Name, User Name and User Password:


    Next, please fill in the Personal Information: First Name, Last Name and Email

    And fill up the Login Information to use for admin (backend): Username, Password and Confirm Password


    Also, you don’t need to worry about filling in the Encryption Key. Magento will generate a key for you on the next page (just like it says). It’s highly recommended that you write that key down somewhere so that you won’t forget it. Once you’ve finished filling out the form, click on the “Continue” button and write down your encryption key!

    After you get your encryption key locked away in a fireproof safe, you can choose to go to Frontend or Backend of your new Magento installation.


    Step 4: Copy media to source

    Copy media folder after extracting the Sample data from the downloaded archive to xampp/htdocs/magento


    Step 5: Refresh cache and reindex data

    Please click the “Go to Backend” button in step 3, you can see the admin login page, you need to fill up Username and Password for admin as in step 6:


    Reindex data:
    Go to the admin page and then please see the System menu, click on Index Management:
    You can see the Index Management page:
    First, please click on Select All. For Action field, please select Reindex Data before clicking on the Submit button:
    After the system reindex data, a success message will be shown:
    Refresh the cache:
    Go to the admin page, notice the System menu, please click on Cache Management:
    Please click Select All. For action field, please select Refresh and then click on the Submit button:
    After the system reindex data, a success message will be shown:


    Step 6: Go to Frontend

    Clicking on the “Go to Frontend” button in step 3, you can see the magento site:

    Hope that this post will help you to successfully install Magento – a great ecommerce platform.

  • How to Install Magento 2 on Localhost

    How to Install Magento 2 on Localhost

    Magento is an ecommerce platform built on open source technology which provides online merchants with a flexible shopping cart system, as well as control over the look, content and functionality of their online store.
    And also it is a high-performant, scalable solution with powerful out of the box functionality and a large community built around it that continues to add new features.
    So Now, let’s get started! how to install Magento 2 on localhost.

    Part 1: Install and configure XAMPP

    Step 1: Download XAMPP

    You can download the latest version XAMPP from Here.

    Step 2: Install XAMPP

    After downloading XAMPP, double-click on the file to install it on your computer.

    Click Next.


    Leave the default selection as in the image. Click Next.


    Choose your installation folder. The default location is C:\xampp. After that, click Next.


    Click Next.


    Click Next.


    Setup will now install xampp on your computer. Please wait for a while.


    After setup is finished, you will see the option “Do you want to start the Control Panel now?”. Keep it selected. Click Finish to exit setup and enter XAMPP Control Panel.


    Step 3: Configure XAMPP

    In XAMPP Control Panel, click Config button on Apache row, and click “PHP (php.ini)”.
    In the php.ini file, find these rows and remove “;” before each row:



    After you’ve done, save and close the file. Then, click the Start button on 2 rows Apache and MySQL to start them. Don’t quit XAMPP after this step, just let it run.

    Step 4: Configure host file

    Open file “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts”. Add the following line to the last row of the file: www.localhost.com

    Part 2: Download and install Magento 2

    Step 1: Download Magento 2 with sample data

    You can download the latest Magento 2 from Here.


    The archive file is available in 3 formats: .zip, .tar.gz, and .tar.bz2. They are all the same, you can choose any format you like. Then, click Download. If you are not logged in yet, there will be a popup requiring you to sign in to your account. If you don’t have an account, click on “Create an account now”.


    After the download is complete, create a folder inside “xampp\htdocs” and extract the downloaded archive file into that folder. This will take some time.

    Step 3: Create a new empty database for Magento 2

    Browse the URL http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ to access phpMyAdmin page. Create a database name (“Magento2”, for example) and click Create.


    Step 4: Install Magento 2

    With XAMPP still open, in your browser, enter the URL http://localhost/your_database_name to start installing Magento 2. In previous step, I named my database as “Magento2” so I enter the URL “http://localhost/Magento2”.

    Click “Agree and Setup Magento“.


    Click “Start Readiness Check“.


    It will then check your server environment if it is ready to install Magento 2. If there are errors remaining (the red X), you will have to solve them first before you can proceed to the next step.

    *Tips to solve PHP problems:

    • PHP Settings Check: On XAMPP Control Panel, click “Config” on Apache row, then click “PHP (php.ini)” to open php.ini file. Find the line “always_populate_raw_post_data” and delete “;” at the start of the line.
    • PHP Extensions Check: for any missing extension, find the string “php_extension-name.dll” and delete “;” at the start of that line. For example, according to the Check, I am missing XSL extension, so I look for “php_xsl.dll” in php.ini file and then delete “;” at the start of the line.

    After you’ve solved all issues, save and close php.ini file and restart XAMPP. Then, click “Try Again” to refresh Magento 2 Installation page.


    Click Next.


    Add a database: Database Name is the name of the database you created in Step 3. You can leave other fields as default. Click Next.


    Enter the URL for your store address and Magento admin address. You can leave these by default or edit as you wish. Then, click Next.


    Edit your store’s time zone, default currency and default language. Click Next.


    Create an admin account. This will be the account that you use to log into your Magento backend. After you’ve filled in all the fields, click Next.


    Finally, click Install Now.


    The installation will take a while.


    That’s it! You have finished installing Magento 2 on your localhost. Now you can access your Magento 2 frontend/backend and start exploring Magento 2 features. I hope you find this post helpful 🙂